No server is safe

Grazingcattle 77

This is a rough draft of a deck that can handle most servers very cheaply. Your rig is simply Magnum Opus and Study Guide while you force them to rez ice on their central servers or eat Indexing or Legworks. Paint brush can force them to add more ice and rez it. At the point they have 3 or more ice on a server you can use surfer and paint brush to adjust the server to be cheap to run, or just ride surfer to the base of the server.

28 Sep 2015 moistloaf

I find that Indexing often isn't too great with Kit, as you only get the trigger for that first run. In this build, assuming a click 1 Indexing and no CG in front, you would be forced to Paint and then run, only allowing you 1 access out of your Indexing. PB also only lasts for 1 run. Surfer shenanigans aside, it seems to me that Indexing would often result in only 1 access. Have you experimented with TME? Maybe 1 Indexing 2 TME. Personally I like Modded+RDI in Kit.

28 Sep 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

How do you facecheck sentries ? Paintbrush doesn't work with unrezzed pieces of ice.