Mildly Bruised Finger & A Rug Pulled Askew - Startup

jaj_danbury 3

Took deck from Carki's Crushed Fingers and Rug Pulls and modified it for a Startup tournament where it failed in spectacular fashion...

I finished 4th (out of 8) and that is almost exclusively down to the Runner deck; this deck went 0.5-3, only managing to draw a game that went to time. I opted to use Trick of Lights instead of Seamless Launch as I feared leaving agendas on the table too long in the late game, but I wasn't ever able to close a game out fast enough against Shaper oppression.

In reality, if I had played it as originally intended, it might have carried me further. Whilst I am getting better at piloting a borrowed deck, I still think I have a long way to go in my own deck building / deck tuning!