Running Noise v2

deaddrop 53

Went 3-2 in swiss losing to HBFA and HB Director Haas Glacier/FA (Medium/Incubater 8 card run, medium milled one of the agendas I needed to win :P) at a local SC and 0-1 in Double Eliminations against NEH.

Ended up beating a Gargain Super Remote, Making News FA/Glacier Hybrid and RP Glacier during the day.

Missed having the 3rd Pawnshop, I'd probably drop either the clone chips or the Shards for another Pawnshop to make sure its easier seeing one, as I rarely used them during the day (Utopia far more often then Hades Shard) as the deck runs enough to just be able to score points while missing cards from R&D.

Wyldside also felt a bit too much and should probably have been swapped for Earthrise instead.

Will probably try test running without clone chips and squeeze in another Pawnshop and something else with the infulence