BARRIO LOCO - Angel of the Underway

ereal79 1

In the shadow of the Root, from her Itinerant Protester hideout, Investigative Journalist Valencia Estevez enlists Los Muertos in her battle against the Corporations.

Run a Driveby on Jackson and but a bullet in his smug face. Run a Singularity on Caprice and mill her ass. Blackmail your way inside and if that doesn't work.... sick the motherf***in dogs on 'em!

The trick with this is to get the Investigative Journalisms up early before they shake off the initial Bad Pub. Same Old Thing give you some extra Drivebys and Blackmails. Get Clot up asap to shut down any fast advance. Try to avoid running on the servers until you know have Blackmails in hand. Hopefully they'll be too scared to put anything in the servers until they've trashed half their deck. Data Leak can help with that and is a deterrent for tagging. And if you manage to get 4 or even 5 Bad Pub up, Itinerant Protesters trashes their whole hand.

This is a fun deck and sticks to the theme. Its not meant to be a tournament winner and I'm not looking for feedback :) .