Who You Know v1.5

smilingbandit2 15

This is a Keyhole deck that leverages passive credits and connections. Get a Dyson or the Helpful AI in play then start spamming Underworld Contacts. Use every trick you can to get credits without spending clicks, with Tri-Mafs as a backup source of cash.

If you can get Keyhole out early, great. Otherwise get Logos asap.

Try to keep your score just below the corps until your ready to end it. Keep hammering at R&D with Keyhole and spamming connections. If an opportunity to steal an agenda comes take it, then forfeit the agenda to the Data Dealer. Calling in Favors will give you huge cash boosts late game.

After several plays with this deck, I've decided to skip most of the central only breakers (COBs). Their cost savings per run is less than I'd hoped, not worth the massive restrictions they provide. Also, they're extremely vulnerable to power shutdown.

The Cortez Chips are largely there for power shutdown protection, though their ability can be handy in conjunction with Crescentus.

24 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

If you're running trimaf, more decoys might be better. They also work with falling in favors. I'd rather run 3 decoys than 1 decoy and 2 crash space, mostly for that reason.

24 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

I've got the fall guys, so a bunch of decoys are redundant. I'd consider doing 3x decoys, but the fall guys can be turned into cash in a pinch. I could go either way.

24 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

Plus, the crash space is my meat damage protection...which I believe you suggested a few revisions ago. :)

28 Apr 2014 Cod

I'm working on a Iain Connection deck myself... what do you think of The Source as a way of slowing the corp down while you set up? Ideally I'm thinking you throw it down after they score their first agenda, so you can milk Iain's ability a little longer before you start dominating.

11 May 2014 melee

wouldn't silencer be much better than cortez chip as a protection against poer shutdown?