Chamboule-tout Loup

nlz 4


Mulligan aggressively for Imp. Second priority is Botulus to guarantee accesses. Without trashing the engine grinds to a halt. I used to have Gachapon to make the starting hands smoother but it whiffed a little too often.

Each turn you want to :

  • install something, to trigger Paladin-Keiko-Twinning, and earn money+multi-access
  • trash something, to trigger Loup-Audrey-Chips-Badge to earn draws+money+ICE-break-ins

This leaves you 2 clicks to look for agendas or react to whatever the Corp is scheming

At some point you'll get purged. Save money for that situation. When that happens, find any weak point in the Corp's armour, Simulchip a Botulus, then access and trash as soon as you find something that can be trashed imp-lessly ; that should bootstrap the engine again. Mavirus are trashable so they're not as bad as real purges if you have some Friday Chips around.

If an ICE is <3-4 strength use Audrey+Leech. If it's a big one >=5, send your Arruaceiras friends and a Devil's Charm, or just Botulus it if it's not on a central.

Performs extremely well against asset spam. Same with murder decks that do not protect HQ at all cost, just trash the combo pieces. Struggles if the Corp turtles up very early in the game.