Iain Sterling - Banking Agendas - V2

steevo15 110

Decklist I used at my local game shop's league event Iain Sterling vs. Custom Biotics. It went 2-0. I built this deck when Honor and Profit came out and played it off and on for about 2 weeks before the league was announced.

The main Idea behind this deck is to set up while you wait for the corp to score their first agenda. Then after they score it, pull out The Source with either Logos or Hostage. Your main priority early game is to get your support cards installed, like Underworld Contacts, your breaker suite, and Kati Jones. After the first agenda is scored, use all of your passive econ (Iain's ability + UWC + Compromised Employee) to fund Keyhole runs that "bank" agendas into archives without turning off your ability. Trash jackson as early as possible by either making a run on him, or making a run on archives with an agenda in it, forcing them to remove him. Remote pressure is done by Inside Jobs, Crypsis, Femme, and Quest Completed.

2 May 2014 Hoywolf

I'd drop Keyhole and Quest Completed for more sure solid breakers like G Blade, Corroder, and the likes. Maybe find something better for Compromised Employees are well.

2 May 2014 steevo15

Nooooo way. Keyhole is the powerhouse behind this deck. I throw agendas into archives and score them later so it doesn't turn off Iains ability. Quest completed has won me games. The central breakers I found have been very efficient, and inside job, femme, crypsis, and quest complete help alleviate their drawbacks.