HBST Industrial Biotics 1.0

TormakSaber 7

An admittedly gimmicky attempt at an all Bioroid Stronger Together, utilizing nothing but pricey to trash assets assets and upgrades, along with Encryption Protocol, to make even naked assets hardly worth trashing, and the protected remote server a nightmare. Ash and Caprice are bad enough, but with Valley Grid, and an actual trash cost, the amount of money and time it takes (hopefully) for a runner to crack the server is nightmarish. Brain-Taping warehouses help get your expensive ice ressed, and Utopia and Eden make your agendas harder to steal and make it ever easier to layer the ice deep.

The build is gimmicky but I'm looking for ways to actually make it work. This originally started as an attempt to make an Eliza's Toybox build, running that instead of Brain Taping. I might still go back to that.

The Hedge Funds were the last thing to go, getting PADs instead. I almost dumped Caprice for Medical Health Fundraisers but figured that went against using Valley Grid to protect the remote in conjunction with the Bioroid Brain Damage threat. I also considered Sundews, but unlike RP, have no way to stop the runner from running on them, and would prefer to not waste time icing them since they'll be so prohibitive to trash. I was also looking at trying to splash in a Heinlein and a Crisium Grid, but running 3 different types of grids felt... i don't know. Silly? Heinlein and Valley directly competed for scoring server slots, in any case. I also had a mind to try running the Root, since Encryption Protocol would spike the trash cost sky high.

Unfortunately due to gimmick asset econ, the deck is porous and a half, and if it can't get the Encryption protocols out, probably falls apart. It also has zero burst econ, so the runner is going to know exactly what you can do. Not a great deck, but Stronger Together was my first love, and I want to make it work somehow now that SanSan Cycle gave us Braintaping.