Supplier Gabe - Store Championship Winner, Chicago, IL

Daine 3748

I won the Games Plus store championship in Chicago with this deck and thought I should publish it here. Though I'm much more excited about the HB "Clicking Hell v1.3" that I brought along as my corp, my runner was 7-0 on the day.

I still don't think that they've printed a runner ID that can compete with Gabe in terms of raw, early pressure. The threat of a first turn siphon, maker's eye, or sneakdoor makes defending against him almost impossible early. I leverage this threat by running without breakers for as long as I can, keeping the corp poor and gaining information from their HQ about what I can expect from the corp as the game goes on.

This deck is tooled to do well in mid- and late-game by making lots and lots of money from resource economy. Tri-Maf Contacts and Kati Jones mean you can bank 5 credits a turn whether you're running or not and still have time to pressure the corp with runs (ideally on HQ) or draw cards. The Supplier can hold all of your hardware until you're ready to start paying for it. He also makes your daily casts worth 7 credits for you and makes earth rise hotels a paltry 2 credits for 6 delayed cards. Hostages make sure you can have the trifecta of your awesome connections up and running very early.

There's isn't much backup in this deck, but it also isn't necessary if you play your cards right. Keep the corp under constant pressure and it's unlikely that they'll have enough money to pop traps that are all that dangerous to you.

Muresh Body Suit was a joke. It's normally a second plascrete.

Net celebrity is a counter-spell to ELP or Housekeeping. Though it's worth playing if you think it'll last a few turns if you see your second one.

24 Feb 2015 Crazimir


1) Muresh Bodysuit, is that for Argus? Otherwise I'm having trouble with the inclusion.

2) You're not using much newer stuff - pretty much only 1 The Supplier and 3 Earthrise Hotel - is that because the ol' stuff just plain works or haven't you tried implementing newer cards?

3) Have you considered using cards like Security Testing to punish remote-spamming? Would be a great way to wring as much as possible out of a click spent running - and it might make the Corp move some resources away from Centrals, making it easier to strike there later.

24 Feb 2015 Daine


Muresh would certainly be better against argus than a plascrete, but I honestly wasn't all that worried about scorches in the first place. This deck can money up without running, making SEA Source less scary.

I'm not opposed to newer cards, I just didn't think they necessarily fit the deck I wanted to run. I do like data folding, for example, but it's one more combo piece I didn't want to mess with. I allow myself one weird idea per deck, and this one was using hostage to pull my money.

Security testing is a great card, but I like it significantly less in Gabe than in other criminals. I can expect corps to defend all three centrals against me because of sneakdoor, but many players won't do so until the sneakdoor or the security testing comes down. I'd much rather have a crack at HQ than a few extra credits, especially with how rich this deck is. Desperado helps fight asset spam anyway, since it motivates me to check every remote, since I'm being paid to do so.

24 Feb 2015 mmychal

Are you clearing tags when you Account Siphon?

24 Feb 2015 Daine

@mmychal every time. I will occasionally float tags for a turn if the corp has zero credits after a siphon (and them killing a resource would cost them their entire turn), but it's a rare case. I don't like going tag-me.

24 Feb 2015 mmychal

Then shouldn't the Account Siphons be something else? Like Legwork?

24 Feb 2015 Daine

@mmychal No way. Siphon is still a fantastic card even when you clear the tags. It's still 9 credits for 3 clicks for me if I have desperado down and robs the corp of 5.

Legwork, on the other hand, is almost completely pointless for me. I'm constantly accessing from HQ, most likely with one or more HQI.