Sunny Deluxe 1.0

Sabin76 34

Armed with only a single Core Set, all of the Deluxe expansions, What Lies Ahead, and Future Proof, I've decided to try and make a Sunny deck.

The lack of underworld contacts hurts, but I actually think I have enough economy without it. I do, however, want to switch data folding out since I will be using all of my MU eventually. My biggest problem seems to be a lack of card draw. Influence is, as everyone knows by now, tighter than it looks. I could drop the Rabbit Holes and still be at 6 Link all set up, but that will only get me a single diesel. The Source is almost mandatory because she's so slow to set up, but I MIGHT be able to drop one for another diesel.

I'd like some suggestions (other than buying more data packs...that will happen eventually). What I'm kicking around in my head is:

-2 Rabbit Hole -1 The Source +2 Diesel +1 Jak?

-3 Data Folding +3 Daily Casts? (Same to play cost, faster return, can be played with my rig out)

13 Nov 2015 Salindurthas

Triple The Source seems a bit much.

Why do you need Employee Strike?

3 copies of each breaker seems excessive. Perhaps cut 1 or 2 of each and try to fit in 2 Special Order or 2 SMC.

Daily Casts is better than Armitage, I think. Swap out either Data Folding or Armitage for Daily Casts.

You would benefit from some HQ pressure. You got R&D pressure with Globalsec Sec. Clearance (as it lets you only run when needed). Maybe 1 or 2 Legwork (I think HQI would work better with the Multithreader credits, but you don't own HQI).

Also if you aren't putting in Underworld Contacts you probably shouldn't bother playing Sunny. You seem not to have this card in your collection, so really I think you should either buy it, proxy it, or play a different ID. Sounds harsh, but it is just too good a card for Sunny.

13 Nov 2015 Navelgazer

Salindurthas makes good points. Since you've got "What Lies Ahead, however, you really need to make the room to replace GS Striker M1 (Sunny's only bad breaker) with ZU.13, which is the more optimized version of the same thing. Cooling off on The Source and adding some Daily Casts should do the job, if I'm doing my mental math right. I like Employee Strike here, myself.

13 Nov 2015 Sabin76

@Salindurthas Yes, but with no clot, The Source is my only safety net until she gets her rig out. I do have Chakana, but that requires runs and MU on top of the identical influence.

Employee Strike is one of two currents I have and it's less influence. It's also very good in and of itself. If I need to free up more influence, then I have no current protection other than stealing agendas.

While I will be adding Daily Casts in the next iteration, I think I'm going to keep Armitage. Without Underworld Contacts, she needs that econ for her expensive rig.

Honestly, the only reason I have 3 of each breaker is because I was running out of neutrals that were worth anything to put in. At one point I was at 42 cards and would have been happy with the deck if I didn't need to add another 8. Of the neutral cards I own that I haven't put in, the only one I'd consider is Infiltration... and I figured getting my breakers ASAP without a tutor was better.

Crypsis/Overmind is pointless with her rig. Daily Casts is going in for Data Folding. Data folding is going out because of what I outlined in the description. Donut is too influence heavy. Mass Install requires me to have a metric crap ton of credits to use. NACH was in an earlier draft, but I decided I wasn't going to be taking tags very often. I might revisit this if I start using her console to facecheck ice. Oracle May... no. Q-Coherence would only be for Chakana if I go that route for some reason. PT same as NACH. SoT seems too inefficient for the events I have. She doesn't install enough for technical writer (or does she?). Uninstall and Windfall are worthless.

Do you not think Card draw is a more pressing concern? I could free up 4 influence easily enough with the rabbit holes and a source, but as I said in the description, I'd use that to put in some diesel unless you can convince me I don't need the draw.

I decided to try and build her without Underworld because I saw a lot of other potential econ. Sure, it's the most synergistic econ card for her there is, but I don't think not having it means Sunny is unplayable.

@Navelgazer Would you put in ZU.13 before diesel or legwork? I know it's more efficient for the small stuff, but is it enough to spend the influence on over things I don't have?

You can probably tell, but I'm trying to capitalize on Jak/Dirty Laundry with Sucker and security testing. I'm certainly open to your suggestions, but I think I did a poor (read: non-existent) job in the description explaining why I chose what I did, and so am doing it here in the response.

13 Nov 2015 sruman

I will echo the comment about Zu over Striker. Paying 4 credits for a breaker that costs more than Zu for every popular code gate is brutal. Drop the modded's, you'll recover the loss of money just by install Zu over Strike.

Also, I would drop to 2 of each breaker and add 3 Earthrise Hotel which will help you find the 2'ofs quicker without being dead cards.

Additionally, another vote for daily casts over armitage.

13 Nov 2015 Sabin76

@sruman Hmmm, that's an interesting point about Zu.13 and modded. I'll look into that for my next iteration. Although the primary reason for Modded was her console...

No Earthrise (no neutral card draw at all, actually).