It's Pinsels Geist but with Black File - APAC 8th place

Labbes 384

Chosen because it deals with lategame decks but also with Titan if you can find stargate early enough.

Black File was tech against Asa and Titan. I didn't play against either once, but I did install it in my second cut game because I had an insanely slow start, buying me two turns. The first turn went really well, but my opponent shook me with his play of install MCA, click MCA, restore (!!!) another MCA (!!!) and then clicking it (!!!) with his Mirrormorph click, giving me not enough clicks to win. A spectacular finish, can't be mad at losing like that.

20 Jul 2020 ValkyriezGaming

I got a text message from Shadowshot whilst watching the other cut game on stream: "I've scored 8 points, and I type GG and my opponent goes, "no it's not". WTF, who plays Blackfile?"

"I've just installed MCA, clicked it, Restored MCA, clicked it, see what he can do with 2 clicks"

Gave me a good laugh. I really want to learn Geist, I might take this list for a spin.

20 Jul 2020 Labbes

lmao thanks for sharing, I tried really hard to stay serious in voice after I said "last click I install...this"

27 Jul 2020 vesper

The File is Back in Black! What trickery is this :-D Congrats & good luck prepping for the Big Finale in two weeks.