Little girls prefer Dinosaurus...

ryson282 8

The main idea behind this deck is to make every run as cheap as possible while lowering the installation cost at maximum.


  1. Find magnus opus by searching through your deck with diesel /QT
  2. On the way make some money with freelance coding contract. You will then be able to tutor the program trashed with clone chip.
  3. Clone chip / smc allows you to search any program you might need during a run
  4. Retrieval run is there to install either magnus opus or battering ram cheaper
  5. With 3 leprechaun & the +1 MU of CT, I had never any MU issues
  6. The sentry breaker suite was originally designed as deus ex / sharpshooter / gingerbread. This allows you to have a cheap dedicated solution for any ice (except susanoo / guard / chimera). The faerie is a late inclusion allowing more flexibility
  7. The dinosaurus can either be left free for trashable breaker or you can assign battering ram / gingerbread or cyber-cipher on it depending on the corp deck
  8. If needed you can cycle your entire deck 2 times by using Larla.

Any feedback would be welcome.

7 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

I think 2 levy is 2 much and you cud trim 1 out, i run 1 with my prof deck that runs in a similar way QT/Diesel freelance and have never needed more.

Also have you thought about using femme over faerie its cheaper influence a more permanent solution getting through chimera & guard for 1c and can be used as bypass on susan, and it does very well on a Dino.

The deck looks good though.

7 Sep 2014 ryson282

I agree that 2 levy is too much, I am considering cutting one out.

Before the inclusion of the faerie, my solution to guard & chimera was parasite/datasucker. Femme was originally discarded because of its prohibitive install cost which is against the very idea of this deck. (11 cred if installed using a smc is too much for me). However, Femme has a really interesting bypass ability once installed. And I could install it using retrieval ... To have good chances to have at least one Femme trashed I would need at least 2 copies.

I am considering:

-1 faerie

-1 larla

+2 femme

I would like also to fit in 1 or 2 escher but i do not know what to cut out.

8 Sep 2014 Pinkwarrior

@ryson282 Yes difficult to get escher in you could run a little risky and lose the plascrete for 1, you could also drop a deus x or sharpshooter easily i feel the only issue with that is that brings you to the bare minimum of 20 programs (imo) for this style of deck. Another thought is dropping the opus down to 1 meaning you a relying on tutoring it then. I don't feel their is a solid good answer to running Escher though.

I think id try to slip in Indexing/Makers eye/R&D interface over Escher my self though as currently you have no way to punish a server like HQ/R&D