Clearance Sale: All Assets Must Go

Snake Eyes 4651


This deck turns Whizzard's ID ability blank by running zero assets and zero upgrades. All assets must go! Rumor Mill does nothing to this deck, neither do cards like Interdiction or Hacktivist Meeting.

The main strategy of this deck is to stack the top three cards of the deck with hasty relocation, then fire them off with accelerated diagnostics. My favourite play is Shipment from Sansan, Shipment from Sansan, Reclamation order for all of the Shipments that you just played.

Localized product line is mainly to grab all of the shipments. If you have all 3 you can shoot the combo off for a mandatory upgrades. If you have 2 and a lateral growth, you can fast advance a Global Food Initaive by spending your last spare click to advance it the goodness old fashioned way, with a click and a credit.

Efficiency committee is an amazing agenda here because of the shipments, it cranks up your fast advance ability to the max. A single biotic helps if you can't find combo pieces or if you need to shoot an agenda out quickly to deal with an employee strike.

Violet Level Clearance is what makes this deck really sing. 4 cards and 3 credits (going down one card From spending the VLC) leaves you credit/card neutral, speeds this deck up and provides you with options. 17 Econ cards tries to make this deck resistant to a few siphons, while being able to keep your hand size up and rezzing middle cost ICE with good subs. Reuse is the ultimate bounce back economy card, it's a great mini combo with Preemptive Action, because you can nuke agendas safely with it too.

Ark Lockdown is a fun card here to take out cards like Clot, or nasty cards like Account Siphon, Vamp, Parasite, Blackmail, Levy AR Lab Access, or Legwork.

Check for some live play of this deck in the competitive lobby of

17 Jan 2017 triorph

Good job. If I ever get around to playing hasty this will probably be my go to.

17 Jan 2017 mohaymen

Cyberdex trial?

18 Jan 2017 codychilton13

I actually think this is both hilarious and playable!! +1 from me @Snake Eyes

18 Jan 2017 podoboyz99

"This deck turns Whizzard's ID ability blank"

Ignoring the fact that VLC has a trash cost that can be paid for by Whizzard :)

18 Jan 2017 Gerrark

Thanks for making and posting this deck. I love this ID for these kinds of decks right here. This kind of thing makes me actually look forward to when the Jackson is gone, to see where this thing lands. It's playing great even now, so I'm optimistic.

18 Jan 2017 InsetoVermelho


18 Jan 2017 triorph

@Gerrark Although it is worth noting that AD cycles out with jackson so Hasty CI will die too :(

18 Jan 2017 PaxCecilia

man I am straight up stealing this for tomorrow, I've been wanting to tinker with my CI but I haven't had the patience to touch it

19 Jan 2017 Netrunnerunner

I think you either need a current (preferably multiple copies of one) or more Biotics in here, because an Employee Strike before you've drawn enough cards to score an agenda leaves you basically dead in the water.

19 Jan 2017 Snake Eyes

@Netrunnerunner not a bad point - Usually isn't that much of an issue to score out an agenda, so I'm preferring to not slot currents unless the meta shifts to go E-Strike crazy. With singleton runners I don't mind scoring out and arking down.

I've switched the Econ package slightly and added another Biotic in my tests since publishing and I'm at +2/3 Blue Level Clearance + 1 Biotic Labour, -1 Restructure -1 Hedge Fund, -1 Green Level Clearance. 2 biotic feels like the right number here.

BLC into VLC feels good man.

@mohaymen I had a cyberdex virus trial in my earlier testing but found that it wasn't that important to do your tricks with. If you get clotted you can just slow things down with a purge and then Lockdown the Clot.

@triorph righteous. My hopes are that if a Core 2.0 gets printed, that they put Accelerated Diagnostics in. It's such a fun card, and if they let Power Shutdown cycle out, we can still do this Hasty Diagnostics fun.

@PaxCecilia / @Gerrark/ @codychilton13 / ``@InsetoVermelho` righteous!

@podoboyz99 oh bby Whizbuxx doing some work. :p