Rielle's Knights

temporar 30

This deck hasn't been tested yet.

The idea is to have efficiently operating rig threatening all servers. Ultimately, having two Cyber-Cyphers for R&D and HQ, Knights on second ices. Whatever is left is dealt with Gordian, Corroder and Dagger. Cloak, Lockpick and Toolbox provide economy for runs. MO, Daily Casts for everything else.

Open questions: Akamatsu or Omni-Drive? Akamatsu or Dyson's + UC (-Diesels)? MO or Kati Jones? Are Cyber-Cyphers worth deck/memory slots?

Any feedback appreciated.

8 Jan 2014 rattkin
  • why Clone Chip?
  • you will have economy problems, this deck screams for money and you're providing just Kati and Daily - that will slow you down in mid game. You would need three Cloaks on the table to work efficiently and this might not happen.
  • do you need Akamatsu at all, if you have Deep Red and Toolbox?
8 Jan 2014 Hoywolf

A Magnus Opus might be good for this deck, your super little on credit production.