Chaos Theory - The Shaper Pride

Magnetic 124

This deck is realy fun, and dont need more economy to bite Corporation. IM not sure only about :

  • Rabbit Hole 3x - Best for NBN trace and some cards like Cadaceus.
  • Underwold Contacts - Synergy with Hole, not so hard to stack. 2-3 gold per turn + Opus is enough but !

I know there is some nice option like Infiltration (last time I Inside Job Project Junebug in Weyland -.-') or Esher.

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21 Mar 2014 Alsciende

No Scavenge means you won't be able to install Yog.0 until you draw a Dinosaurus. At the same time Scavenge plays well with Test Run. +3 Scavenge, -3 Indexing ?

21 Mar 2014 Magnetic

It is just 41 cards and I have diesels. I realy dont have problem with Install dinosaurus soon. Almost always I do till 10 th turn starting.