Jesminder's Pact

LynxMegaCorp 1343

Dream opening hand: Sure Gamble, Professional Contacts, Faust, Account Siphon, Maya.

Of course, that's unrealistic. So here, in reality, our goal is rather simple: Get a foothold on your engine: ProCon Faust. Diesel and QT both find key cards AND feed Faust.

AS and Vamp are mainly luck-dependent, but can be recurred with SoT and abused late-game with Levy. Corps definitely don't want this duel going on for long.

Crescentus is a cheap, fetchable answer to taxing ice, while Paricia is a cheap (and also fechable) response to horizontal decks.

Maya's ability should be used whenever possible, especially if the card is 'useful' (say, a Sweeps Week post Siphon, to name an niche situation).

And just when the Corp has iced up R&D (rezzing them, too) you slam them with that Escher.