Downsizing HQ - Anarch Bad Publicity Control / Hand Denial

LegalizeStimHack 81

Pretty strait forward control deck. You want to load up the corp with bad pub and then play your protesters. Don't be afraid to SoT the protesters back out. Blackmail remotes, Keyhole RnD, Wanton HQ, There is a lot of cool synergy around Bad pub in the deck. Reymond Flint being my favorite as he lets you get random agendas from HQ while you are still setting up. Tallie is your scorched protection or if you feel like you are running out of steam you can pop her to draw up. With the larger deck size I went with Test Runs to help find the Eater early so you can put some pressure on with Siphon. I still have Day Job and Sure Gamble in the deck because you will be clearing tags from Siphon using it more as a control card and not an economy card. Get the corps hand size low and you force them to let you draw with Vigil or have even fewer cards. Agenda's are gonna either end up piled up in HQ and forced to be trashed or hastily thrown into a remote where they can be blackmailed. Single frame job if they are running Bad Pub removal you can get the ball rolling again.

7 Dec 2014 esutter479

6 econ cards out of 50? Good luck reliably running/installing anything of consequence without clicking through for 5 turns straight.

8 Dec 2014 SlySquid

I love the idea of the deck but like @esutter479 Mentioned the econ could be a problem... It's going to be fun to play but it may need a few tweaks wile it goes =)