Here is the NEH I brought to the last 20-person GNK Sturtup.
Given the limited time available for testing, I concentrated on the Hoshiko runner who unfortunately gave me a miserable 1-3, mostly for piloting errors.
The corp, on the other hand, was drawn on paper starting from other lists seen and performed very well.
The goal was to create sufficiently taxing servers to allow the opening of score windows of the most important agendas (Remastered over all).
San San and Skunkwork are must-trash that cost the runner a lot and the removal of facecheck ice like Ping in Wraparound, that suck tu Botulus and Boomerang, in favor of Funhouse discourages frequent remote checks and Conduit runs.
Wins against Kit (double Remastered and closing Bellona from hand), Ayla (rush of 2 agendas behind a pop-up window while flooded :-D), Tao (ordinary match where I managed to seal r & d before Conduit became a problem ) and Zahya (great recovery after bleeding 2 agendas on turn 1 and 2).
Thanks to Barzelius for the organization and congratulations to guiot for the victory.