360 card corp cube

level42somacruz 7

You start out with 6 priority requisitions, so that you can have a legal agenda suite even if you don't draft any agendas. You'll have to draft any other cards you want! Unlike the official draft packs, you don't start with basic econ cards. I think it will be more interesting to draft those and designed the card pool to have enough economy.

Corp mini-identity abilities (borrowed/tweaked from http://stimhack.com/cube-drafting-201-cube-design/):

  • Whenever the runner trashes an installed corp card, do 1 net damage
  • Ignore the install cost of the first piece of ice installed each turn
  • The first time each turn the runner would take any number of tags, they take an additional tag.
  • Whenever you score an agenda, put 1 agenda counter on it.