Walled Garden

Ensu 279

This deck is designed to teach new players how to run nets. You will play as corp in the first match. The runner deck is here: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/55288/training-wheels

The card list is composed of cards from a single original core set. We're a little light on agendas, but that's fine - you're going to throw your first game anyway, so let the runner poke around. You're holding a fistful of razorblades - use them to make something that FEELS dangerous, but let the runner run. They'll make mistakes. You are the world's nicest corp player, and some turns you might just money-money-money-go.

After the first or second game, trade sides. Every card in this list is a winner. We aren't here to learn synergies or combos. We're here to learn the basic rules and how to count money and identify scoring windows.

We've got traps. We've got tag punishment. We've got fast advance. There's lots of fun toys to play with.

I'm using The Shadow on purpose. We don't want an ID ability - again, we're not here to learn about synergy, we just want to run some nets. I strongly encourage you to sleeve the Basic Action Card with the ID, so they can flip it around and see what they can do.

Good luck, have fun, and show those rookies how much fun this game is!

When your pupil is more comfortable with the game and wants to try new things, I like to introduce each faction by walking through these four cards...

This is how each Corp wins the game.

Jinteki uses Project Junebug. They play mind games, put a card on the table with a few advancements and dare you to run it. Guess wrong, and it's game over.

HB uses Biotic Labor. They use efficient ice and expensive resources to drive an economic gap, then spend that money to open up unique opportunities - the big one being a chance to literally buy extra clicks to score agendas from their hand without the Runner ever getting a chance to steal it at all.

NBN uses Data Raven. They don't actually try very hard to stop your runs, they just make sure that every run you make gives them a benefit as well. They are the information corp, and every time you walk through their servers they learn more about you.

Weyland uses Hostile Takeover. They constantly push for every advantage they can, making money and scoring points no matter how bad it might make them look. They are the corporation of sheer ruthlessness, and will do anything to win regardless of the cost to themselves and their brand.