Treeborn Frog (3rd, 4-3 @ Australian North Nationals)

bemidiot 135

world tree about to get another shaper card banned

This deck is cracked (and hopefully about to eat a ban) and a better pilot could have absolutely gone 7-0 with it. I'm not sure the deck is as hard as people make it out to be relative to how strong it is but you need to be able to think through all your outs because it can answer almost every threat.

I dropped two games in cut due to pretty stupid misplays in hindsight (not seeing any resources for stoneship and forgetting to go DZMZ into simulchip to dodge Urban + Azef and not recognizing agenda flood off of a Conduit dig). Both Chris and Sean played those games incredibly well but I don't feel like a runner deck should be able to answer anything the corp does basically whenever unless you misplay?

Tech choices/Silver Bullets

  • The Caldera was for the Reed EdTech matchup because I hadn't practiced it and thought a lot more people would be playing it. I got to play the matchup in the last game of swiss against Sohum and it essentially turns the entire threat of the deck off, being able to search for a 1 inf silver bullet in a 60+ card deck feels a bit much.

  • Cut Clot for Cupellation. I think the deck is strong enough into FA without Clot threat and the HQ pressure is really needed. I think you wanna be using your chips for other stuff with this deck anyway and holding them for Clot is probably worse than pulling back Muse + Trojan or anything else in the FA matchups.

  • I didn't play into any assets but I'm not 100% sure if the bones is needed? There's probably better things to spend the inf on but one of the testing groups can figure that out

Thanks to everyone in Brisbane for letting me play the most disgusting decks against them every week and stealing every playmat from people who spent thousands to travel to nationals. Thanks to Scarius, Abstracted, Otrakun and Bluestar for the sick last minute testing games and being such awesome people. Thanks to Jackson and Co for running the best event I've ever been to. Thanks to everyone else I met and played against over the weekend, everyone I met was amazing.

Special thanks to Sean for being the best and not leaving me when I asked him to play PD into this deck for the hundredth time ♥

22 Jul 2024 nin

sky striker arisanna 🤩 world tree..... ENGAGE!!!!!!!!!

22 Jul 2024 Jai

Congrats on the result! Your tech choices are very cool and deserve some mention:

  • We also considered Caldera at ICC to fight Azmari and Thule - I eventually stuck to NOH due to its utility vs Riot Oppo and MAD, but I think either option is justifiable

  • It’s true that a lot of corps have been kinda scared off of assets because of the ease of which WTA can deploy Bones, so if you want to double bluff by cutting it more power to you; but the click for 11c button vs horizontal decks is way too good to pass up for 2inf IMO

  • Clot vs Cup is 100% a playstyle choice imo, and both have their own utility vs an unknown Swiss field. If you don’t expect much FA in your expected top cut distribution it’s perfectly fine to swap out

Thanks for sharing!

23 Jul 2024 HaverOfFun

How did ya find lucky charm? Any points where LtF mighta been useful or was it just cracked af all the time?

24 Jul 2024 bemidiot

The Lucky Charm didn't end up doing anything on the day lol. It was mostly for PD because I find LtF is a pretty dead card most of the time in that matchup