Ghostery Uprising

Skandrino 81

Infinite clickless Boomerang (install with Masterwork or Q-loop) is bonkers. Very strong deck.

Security Chip is an obvious include as a 0-cost hardware with a useful effect (+2 for all breakers with Talut and possibly +3 with Forger)!

Sports Hopper sucks, despite the link (too expensive and usually makes you overdraw).

Embezzle to trash what you saw with Spy cam.

20 Dec 2019 Nem0

How much success have you had against Earth Station? I'm finding that without Sneakdoor, Geist can't feasibly make 2-3 runs in one turn or pay the 6c to contest the server.

20 Dec 2019 Skandrino

Snipe their agenda before with Spy Cam :P

Making 2-3 runs in one turn can bring the problem that you overdraw from all the trashing yes. OTOH, early game you can get into practically any server quite easily when needed, and late game you're usually very rich due to tech writers etc so you can pay the 6.

I guess you could tech in a Sneakdoor since you usually have MU to spare!

20 Dec 2019 Nem0

I'm not as worried about overdrawing, I just find that if you don't see multiple boomerangs early and/or your B&E programs, you literally don't have the breakers/hardware to be able to break the ice on HQ + the Remote. The current build I have has a single Sneakdoor and is v useful if they're only protecting HQ + the server.

20 Dec 2019 Skandrino

Cool I might try it!