The Dumpster Games

Spoonfunk 182

This is my own variant on the dumpster gamble deck with the new also seeks to abuse femme fatale... I will repost this deck once its out of its testing phase

23 Aug 2016 AmpersandDrew

[Here it is.] Awesome deck! The econ just steamrolls to point where I initially wondered if I should even be rezzing Barriers (especially as the outermost) since Exile would just end up with free credits and free draws.

23 Aug 2016 x3r0h0ur

I have been considering davinci in mine, but I'm not sure what exactly I'm dropping. I have golden in mine though so maybe that'd work.

Do you find 3 hera necessary? How do you support all this MU? I run into many issues with mine. I'll post it up soon...

23 Aug 2016 The Broken Meeple

Interesting idea, although you are just asking for a Chronos Project agenda to ruin your day!

26 Aug 2016 Spoonfunk

@x3r0h0ur I have been a big fan of davinci in this cause it gives me an actual use for exile's ability, since I like to be semi-aggressive with him as it is. As far as the 3 Sahasrara, I could probably cut one but I don't seem to really be gaining econ with paperclip+Aesops until I have at least 2 in the deck.. MU isn't an issue as I tend to only install what I need for the runs I make every turn...when they install ice to counter thats when I scavage or switch pressure to a different sever...being conservative with my clone chips help with this..

@The Broken Meeple Chronos ruins my day, as does blacklist....But can't let the man keep a good hobo down....I have just learn to accept the deck has silver bullets, yeah it will ruin a game every once and a while but can't win them all....