Hayley fun stuffs (4th seed at Heroes' World Store Champs)

smusher 120

This was the deck I brought to the store championships at Heroes' World in Markham on February 6th 2016. It was a 22 person tournament and finished 4th seed, then proceeded to win the tournament. This deck was originally made from another deck, but changed some cards around to fit to my playstyle and the meta.

Round 1 vs. HB: ETF The game took a long time, but I managed to get my entire engine going really early and proceeded to R&D locking him, then running the scoring remote on the last action to steal the agenda for the win.

Round 2 vs. NBN Sync I have played with this deck before from a previous encounter and I found out what the deck was trying to do with midseasons and flatlining. I made sure I had enough credits for each run, then at third click, ran R&D and stole 4 agenda points for the win.

Round 3 vs. HB: ETF Me and my opponent mulliganed and I managed to get my engine going really quickly and he had trouble finding ICE to protect his servers and ended up getting money. Eventually, I R&D locked him and stole agendas for the win.

Round 4 vs. Jinteki: RP We both mulliganed, he started off the couple turns with no ICE, then I proceeded with stealing Global Food Initiative really early, then ran his scoring server with Caprice Nisei, bid the right amount, then stole Nisei Mark 2, then when I set up, I ran R&D and stole the last agendas for the win.

Finished the swiss on 4th seed, then faced a NBN News Angeles Sol: Your News. He had scored a bunch of agendas, but at that point, I set up and R&D locked him, but got really unlucky not finding any agendas for the last couple turns losing a bunch of credits from double tollbooth, assassin and News Hound. I eventually took enough drip economy to run spending most of my recurring credits to steal 4 agenda points to get me into winner's finals but did not get a chance to play the runner deck for the rest of the tournament.

Any changes I would do now would be removing both harbingers for one more multithreader for more recurring credits and one hunting grounds so that I don't have to worry about annoying ICE such as Data Raven and Tollbooths.

7 Feb 2016 Smaug

I'ma just shamelessly slip this in here netrunnerdb.com


Good job man! How is the feedback filter treating you?

7 Feb 2016 smusher

I mainly had the card for IG and PE because I didn't want to lose crucial cards, but I never ran into them so it was underwhelming but nice to have it just in case.