Tao is trash!

xclement 53

Well. He is not trash

His 40 size deck makes its possible to set up a big rig very fast. And his ability is strong enough to disrupts and buy time.

This deck is all about trashing your own stuff to get money and fast setup. Originally there was pro co in the deck but I found to slow. So spec work your breakers and smc to draw more.

Paragon was switched in for Pennyshaver to filter your draw and even faster setup.

The remaining 2 influence not used is for when stimhack comes back. Overclocking has to do for now.

When your rig is up you have: 3 rezeki

Bin breakers in bin or installed

Engolo for good measure


3 Dzmz optimizer



Turning wheel

Every turn you you trash your bin breakers and make a run to install them again for free(or 1 with paperclip) and cybertrooper talut make them a lot more cost efficient.

Let's start trashing!