Kit likes to Spoon 4.0

HepatitvsJ 244

Switched up the deck to add Infiltration, makers eye, PPVP, a Kraken, and Net celebrity. The Net celebrity helps with Corp currents and you'll be running often so the recurring cred will pay for itself quickly. PPVP worls well in this deck because even with Mopus econ PPVP allows you to spend less time clicking for creds and then playing a card. This has freed me up several times in my games now. Kraken has been vicious in several games where I've gotten it off. Spooning a server, stealing an agenda, then hitting the same server with Kraken is so satisfying. ;)

17 Feb 2015 rezwits

You know my next direction with this style, is 3x Cyber-Cypher, 3 SMC and some interfaces :) I love Kraken!