Minnesota Andy gh0st_b1rd edition

gh0st_b1rd 3

This is a post-mortem update of my worlds deck. This deck went 3-2 at the Icebreaker tournament but bombed at worlds which wasn't exactly the deck's fault but was mine. The old version of the deck was

-3 Daily Casts -2 Career Fair -1 Earthrise Hotel

+1 Dirty Laundry +1 Security Testing +1 Kati Jones +1 Same Old Thing +1 Networking +1 Bank Job

Going into Worlds I had two main concerns which was the cost of the rig and Temujin giving the corps an early scoring window without challenge remotes. My new implementation of a playset of Daily Casts was a hope for me to fix that subjective problem of mine.

Kati was cut due to my realization that because my breakers are not only extremely expensive but also have less redundant copies of thus reducing my ability to click and draw. Going into the main event I toyed with the idea of cutting my Paperclip and TTW for 2x Corroders again due to the ubiquity of Resistors and Vanillas, the modest install cost of two and the chance to natural draw my Corroders.

Anyways, onto strategy shall we? The plan is simple. A lot like Tem Whizz, your plan is stop your opponent from playing Netrunner from Turn 1 with help of your innate ability. Sometimes your bad hands are just so bad you never had the chance to play Netrunner which sounds surprising when referring to an Andy deck but does happen because of your number of moving parts.

Which leads us to the whole playset of Turning Wheels. Are they bad? I would disagree but I can understand why somebody would find them peculiar. Originally when TTW came out I was ecstatic to get my influence back for Andy. I played both TTW and Rebirth and decided that TTW was bad and that Rebirth was like a desirable virtual 4th Datasucker. While playing this deck which was a slew of 1-ofs at the time in order to see how cards would interact I found out way later that TTW wasn't meant to "access" but to be a win condition. With this idea in mind I built an Andy deck centered around normal cards but the strategy was to stop your opponent's plan. With TTW in play charging up to 12 cards worth of accesses, winning should be elementary. Before Temujin came out I had Same Old Things and Politcal Operative as a way to charge TTW while installing soft-lock piece after soft-lock piece or throwing Legworks and Siphons at my opponent's face. Moral? Don't use TTW for accesses unless you're trying to prolong the game. Blowing counters for two-three card accesses when ahead will lose you the game eventually but saving them for when your opponent is on match point will win you the game.

Eventually @fictional after seeing the deck in action and playing vs @thebigboy with it at my local LGS he would go on to build his own version of the deck later to be known as The MN Andy. His version is in my mind a more polished interpretation of this strategy with a bent on having the best opening hands designed to smother their corporate opponents in tempo. Mine unfortunately was built on contingency plans of having bad opening hands but poor hands were still bad enough to lose despite the fact that many of my losses were close. Kati Jones and Same Old Thing at the time should provide a hint that I had little faith in Andy's opening hands and that a playset of Daily Casts now is a continuation of that line of thought. He would go on to make day 2 of Worlds while I scrubbed out at 5-7 day 1. :(

Classically speaking Criminal has always had a tough time vs Jinteki Glacier and most HB EtF variants but it is almost no different now. Criminal now has a fantastic RP match up but is a slight dog vs Palana and HB rush owing mostly to gearchecks that those decks are currently employing. Also Fairchild 3.0 is rough for a deck like this to handle which leads us to the other important innovation fictional contributed. He included a Peregrine over the Passport and included the 2nd Femme Fatale. FC3, DNA Tracker, Tollbooth and Archangel are so ubiquitous these days that the 2nd Femme was employed thanks to the amount of money you can make off of Temujin Contracts which enabled reprising your central pressure. Peregrine I was skeptical of after having spent most of my summer during World Champs season playing Peacock but eventually grew on me as a fringe answer to Lotus Field that wasn't just Femme. Peregrine isn't great but still costs a credit or two to break Quandary and Enigma, and is fine when dovetailed with Datasuckers. Vs CtM after you control their asset will eventually be okay for you to just use Peregrine's "bounce" ability to derez their code gates in order to cement the game.

Granted after all is said I still like my rigs to be lower to the ground for natural draw installs. Changes I will be testing from this published list will be

-2 Faerie -1 Peregrine -1 Paperclip -1 The Turning Wheel -1 Inside Job

+1 Mongoose +2 Passport +2 Corroder

Anyways I hope my write up was helpful and that you can all accept The Turning Wheel as a way of life. I was happy that I was at a point in my understanding and experience of ANR that I could contribute something to my team here in MN, even though that something was a strategic treatment of a single card.

Along The Turning Wheel, the roads are long winded and desolate, maybe even harshly dry in these Minnesotan winters, but as thebigboy has told me a numerous number of times, "stick to the plan," if you're looking panicked at your Turning Wheel counters.