Replicating Perfection: Adapting to Noise and Film Critic

Phoenix 247

So this is my attempt to bring RP into the Noise dominant/Film Critic era.

Looking to my choices to combat Noise we have 2x Cerebral Static, 2x Lotus Field, 2x Architect, 1x Hunter to try and disrupt Noise as long as possible in order to allow me to rush out. Further, Fast Track increases my capability to rush, and Hades Fragment (if scored) is great.

As to Film Critic, if my agendas can no longer protect themselves, they may as well do something else. I have been enjoying a 1 of Priority Requisition in RP for a while; it really helps to maintain tempo when scoring. So in go 3 of those now. Hades Fragment is for the Noise match up. Nisei is self explanatory. Philotic is a filler which has actually served me very well; no one seems to run unadvanced cards in remotes against RP! The 1 of Hunter is also there as an inconvenience to those relying on Film Critic.

Other choices: 2x Tollbooth is great - taxing (even as the outermost ice), great Priority Req target. Crisium Grid is to help stop virus counter accumulation and pesky Kate/Criminal/Vamp decks that build up and ruin your day. I think not including Crisium Grid in RP (with Vamp being such a great counter) and with my agendas which disappear rather more freely is a mistake.

I know this is in no way perfect, so comments and criticisms are welcome!

22 Aug 2015 sruman

Would seem that -1 crisium grid, +1 cyberdex (or even -2 and +2) might work better.

23 Aug 2015 gammanet

honestly I think TFP is still worth slotting for anyone not playing film critic, and as you said, you have the hunter(alternatively use snatch and grab)

also, tfp against noise will still be good, unless he started slotting film critic...which would seem odd, but im not a noise player so I dunno.