Never Leave Home Without a Knife v0.2

Thike 1203

Taking the core of the Dagger-Brush archetype, and applying it to this enigma of a runner. Nasir loves to facecheck, and the Dagger build allows you to do so safely. With so many recurring credits, you shouldn't have any issues with losing your credit pool. The non-killer breakers both maintain strength throughout the run, so that makes you more flexible with where you spend your money, too.

Personal Workshop seems like an auto-include with Nasir. Pheromones could be a fantastic source of free money for PW, or it could be a dud. Needs testing. Imp lets you trash even if you arrive without cash.

ProCo is also perfect for Nasir. Most runners find it to be a huge tempo loss if dropped first turn. Not him. Drop it, facecheck your way to riches! It's also the perfect economy card, as it allows you to dig up all the cards you want to put in Workshops.

I'd love to find room for a Stimhack or two, if only for the PW synergy. Escher is just as situational here as it is anywhere else, and I'm not sold on Tinkering, but this deck is untested, what with Nasir being unreleased and all. I just find him fascinating.

8 May 2014 Devet

Nasir is kind of a mind-bender. I was horrified by the relative scarcity of economy cards until I calmed down and remembered how this is supposed to work.

I think you'd be better off with Test Runs than with Tinkering. Provided you have the MU for it, Paintbrush is just better.

Also, why not retool the economy to use Magnum Opus? You could do away with Armitage Codebusting and Kati Jones - maybe replacing them with Sure Gambles. Say what you will about Nasir and Workshop, but you've got a lot of expensive cards in there and it would be nice to install them on Turn One.

Also, if you're running Magnum Opus, you should swap your Akamatsu Mem Chips for Cybersolutions. Your deck is very reliable for drawing the right programs, but not the right hardware. There's a danger of running out of MU before your rig becomes a serious threat.

8 May 2014 Thike

The benefit of Tinkering is that it can target unrezzed ICE. It may not be necessary, but we'll see.

MU is an issue. I considered MO, but MU was the main reservation. That being said, maybe kati => MO and 2x Armitage => 2x Cybersolutions?

11 May 2014 Thike

I've just posted another Nasir deck that shows promise, based on Atman and Ice destruction, here: