The Whole World In My Hands

moofin 1

Took a lot from

Modified it to fit my play-style more. Streamlined to 40 cards, added more ICE, and trimmed the fat a little bit, keeping the spirit of the deck intact. The goal of the deck is clear: Jackson/Blue for easy milling, Ice for early and late game, glacier up (preferably on a SanSan), and start rapid firing agendas.

6/16 remote servers are not agendas, so a potential decpetion/shell game can be employed to divert and rebuild. Punishing, non-ETR ICE for these non-agendas work wonders.

I removed the Chimeras due to them not really having any staying power, and relying on the runner to not have breakers early. It's a safe assumption, but I am just leery of having to a pay what is effectively a 2 cred per turn tax. I might add them back in later.