Janice in Accounting

CrowCity 31

This deck is for serious gearcheck players only. 12 games on jinteki, 10 wins. This deck wins on average in about 9-12 turns. The biggest problem is Account Siphons, but you have Green Levels and Closed Accounts if the float tags. You like money? Janice is Accounting don't give a $%#@! You like having your programs? Janice in Accounting is gonna trash all that stuff. Power Shutdown helps the Interns install agendas faster into your three ice deep gearcheck remote server. Oaktown Renovations is IMO tied for second best agenda in the game.

I will be taking this to a tournament at the end of the month. I will report the results.

16 Feb 2016 WisdomDecision

I have been wanting to play a deck that abuses power shutdown for so long. Love that Swordsman in there . %$&#ing faust....