Titan supermodernism v1.0

Nery 25

The original decklist for this version is credited to @Calimsha, I made a few changes as I saw fit and while they may seem counter productive they give me the edge I need.

This is Calimsha's deck: http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/15507/titan-supermodernism-mk-why-i-keep-trying-to-make-this-work-

So, the basics of the deck are pretty much the same as for other supermodernism decks, functional ICE, a focus on scoring agendas and tutoring your way forward with Project Atlas. Scorched is NOT the main victory condition, but if you see an opening to blow the runner's house take it. What makes the deck so powerful is the hability to score and tutor with atlas with only 3 advancements. Score atlas early on and you have a sure victory by either tutoring other atlas or a biotic, or ensuring a double scorched.

My two cents:

On Agendas: - the agenda spread is very good, the only one I find not wanting to score right away is Geothermal, mostly because of tempo. An early hostile take over gives you the boost needed to prepare your game, and allows the archer that can make the runner cry. False lead can shut your oponent down after a mistake and open up a scorched, or give you enough time to recover if things are going bad.

Assets: Mark Yale was a big surprise here, while most of the time it's a dead card in hand, after a couple of 1 point agendas have been scored it gives you a nice boost. I almost took it out, but it was very useful a couple of times.

ICE: The main changes I made were to swap one archer for another enigma, and wormhole for a second changeling. You want ice that can stop, and you want the sentry's you have to be an unexpected thing. Chimera is a blessing, as it is very effective at keeping the runner at bay in the first turns.

Operations: I... I don't like power shut down. I think it's dangerous and potentially expensive to discard from your deck and still have no control over what the runner trashes. And the power shut down combo is borderline suicidal.

What I like is to have enough econ early on to make sure the runner knows you can scorch him. So I swapped the power shut downs for 2 x restructuring. A start with two hedge funds and restructure is only as good as the runners face when you play them in succession.

And that, I think, is the point: keep the runner threatened, and he will f**k up