MTI-nage Riot (3-0 at Dublin Cache Refresh)

count_slackula 64


"Ah, here it comes, I know it's someone I knew." - Thurston Moore on 'Anansi'

This is a deck I built for a little Cache Refresh tournament in Dublin (where we played two games per round, rather than doing the bidding). This treats R&R as a big box rather than a cycle.

This deck is a fun mill idea that leverages MTI's ability to score out of a hell remote that ideally has multiple Fractal Threat Matrices in it! The deck won all three games off Snare! triggers, which is super fun.

Fractal Threat Matrix will mill 6 cards on a triple iced server, also it is not unique so that goes up to 12 cards if another is rezzed. It also leverages many single sub ice to force the runner to break all subroutines to access. This deck in standard format with a breaker bay is quite fun.