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Veste 424

Protect centrals, mostly naked remotes (use your discretion).

I'm really trying to utilize Psychographics with Market Research as the combo for scoring agendas. I like the idea of installing a MR with 3 tags on the runner, advancing once and playing Pyschographics for a 4/3 score.

Obviously I want to use flatlining as an alternate win condition, because why the heck not with all the tags.

My thoughts with the agenda selection was that I will probably never have so many tags on the runner (no midseason) that a Beale combo will ever be viable, and TGTBT is great to just throw down naked for card draw and setting up the tags.

I'm not 100% solid on any of my choices to be honest, I was playing something similar with City Surveillance but realized it's too much of a money sink, and too easily trashed by any shaper or Whizzard.

Considerations have been: Bernice Mai, changing up the agenda suite, changing up the ice, finding room for midseasons, possibly SEA source?

Any thoughts and input are greatly appreciated!

20 Oct 2014 structuremole

I like the idea, but it's a little too varied to get away with it. I just feel like 11 ice is too few. You're going to have no ice hands and a hand with a singular Pop-up is going to feel sad too. The best bet is to cut one of the plans: Sansan Advance, Scorch Kill, or Psycho. I personally run this without any Psycho shenanigans, but since that's really the intent of the deck, try cutting SanSan and consider more X/2 and maybe even 5/3 cost agendas, just so you can get more of a 14-16 number on ice.

20 Oct 2014 Veste

Completely agree with the ice count, and I had been considering removing SanSan as well. If I can hit that ice number without changing up the agendas, do you think it's worth doing so?

Also, doing this late didn't do me any favors, as my friend pointed out, I'm missing a card as it is!