It Hurts!!!!! V2.0

DJP 56

Hi, please let me know what you think of my PE deck. I will be using this deck in a local store champs in a couple of days and I need some help to make it as competitive as possible.

Any and all help would be fantastic.

I have played a few games with it, and I always get very close to flat line or scoring out, but just can't seem to get across the line

14 Mar 2015 Lastmemori

This is the deck I run and it seems like it might suite your style because it has both flatlined and scored out, some times at the same time :). If you try it out give me some feed back.

14 Mar 2015 DJP

@Lastmemori thanks. Looks like this might be the one. I will let you know how I go.

16 Mar 2015 DJP

@Lastmemori it performed pretty well. I think if I had more Econ and more stopping/punishing ice it would have performed better. Only managed one win which came on a second turn acorched earth - however all other games I had managed 5 to 6 agenda points before ultimately losing. I have made some adjustments to this deck - lookout for It Hurts!!! V2.5

16 Mar 2015 Lastmemori

@DJP Noise Yeah its definitely weird to pilot the point is to keep them scared of more punishing ice (rather then running it) because people tend to get sentry breakers fast. while taxing with pup ect- any run they want to make on centrals. the economy is very light and depends heavily on mushin to fund scores and trick of light plays. I often allow opponents to score napds for free, to keep them off balance for the next few plays. Ive been experimenting with Mileage mining corp as it baits runs and provides a big burst in econ if they don't face check it. also used to run pop ups for a bit of econ