Tallinn Beige Alert. Finnish & Baltic Nats looser/winner

willybn1 130

The deck has plenty of gear checks and if you hit two ETR ICE and a Hedge in your opening hand you’ll buy a bit of time to set up the ideal scoring server to install your tricky agendas.

Won the two completed games plus a no score draw on round 2.

The penultimate turn of the final game of the event my runner opp ran last click through Anasi web, into a twice advanced …. and on access the air was filled with a glorious Finnish curse as they realised the game was lost ….. the snow had started to fall thick by this time and after claiming my prize I made my way to the tram to take me back to Tallinn centre …. crunch crunch crunch ….

Thanks to Sindarin for the deck (I swapped out 3 or 4 cards for extra ICE) and 'Ai-tah' to the TOs and event hosts.