Valencia: Fear Inducing!

Phoenix 247

This deck has been doing fairly well for me, despite looking like maximum jank. The idea is to lock the remote (Blackmail, full breaker set) long enough to get at least part of your engine online, then to start milling the corp via a combination of Fisk, Fear the Masses and Bhagat.

Surprisingly, despite being out of Valencia, 8 draw cards, Turntable and the large amount of agendas they run even gives me a good game vs fastro, although it will generally be a score out rather than milling game.

All in all good fun. Salem's sucks though.

2 Jul 2016 tonybluehose

Valencia doesn't like going on boats. Well, "by going on boats" I mean "getting thrown off boats."

3 Jul 2016 mawa

But, but, why not play Inject over Diesel? More cards, fewer inf and when it flubs and hits a program that matters, whatever, you have Deja Vu.

3 Jul 2016 Phoenix

Because I only run 2 Deja Vu, and no SOT. The Deja Vu are for recurring Blackmail and Fear the Masses. Deja Vu is expensive. I don't want to be using them on trashed programs. I ran some Inject originally in addition to all the other draw cards and it just felt miserable to trash programs with it.