"Sleeping Beauty" Coastal Agenda 5/24/14 Second Place

Empires 788

Write-Up-Ish here: http://boardgamegeek.com/article/16009893#16009893

The Andromeda Doubles Deck :)

I did very well, I'm very happy with how the deck turned out. Sorry for the late posting.

18 Jun 2014 iMarco

How do you face Swordsman? I'm curious.

18 Jun 2014 hi_impact

Saw this article on BGG, and brought the deck to my local group last week. I had a lot of fun with the deck, and ended the night 1-2, barely losing one of them. I had a few questions though:

1) Why not run Aesops? I found myself wanted to trash Starlight and stuff at the end of game instead of Levying, because the game was over soon anyway and I had plenty of overmind counters left.

2) Early Wraparounds and baiting expensive runs with single SanSans or Jacksons ruined me once they realized I was only running Overmind, which playing Overmind itself hints.

18 Jun 2014 Empires

@iMarco Grappling Hook.

@scourged 1. Tried it , didn't like it, I never felt a need for it, just a personal preference though. 2.Still cake for any combination of Grappling Hook, Inside Job, etc. but my personal style wasn't often running in advanced remotes and just focusing on R&D and HQ. Personal strategy once again :)

18 Jun 2014 iMarco

@Empiresyou have only 3 GH and no way to reinstall them back.