Georgia on Mars

clockworkmonk 83

So this is a few iterations into a thousand cuts AgInfusion Deck. Ancestral Imager and Georgia Emelyov are the hard workers here. you get your Breached Domes into archives, and keep sending the runner there by dropping ice to make it happen.

It has been pretty fun to play, and I'm sure there are better ice choices, though ideally you don't really rez much ice.

10 Oct 2017 StarlightCrusade

Are you actually hoping the runner hits archives? Or are they just supposed to get hit by the ancestral imager instead?

10 Oct 2017 clockworkmonk

Either way is fine. Either they go into archives and hit breached dome or jack out and get Georgia and ancestral imager. Makes no difference to me why they bleed as long as they bleed.

11 Oct 2017 moks

maybe add a Susanoo-no-Mikoto ?

14 Oct 2017 Soulcow

So how do you win?

14 Oct 2017 clockworkmonk

@Soulcow this deck can dish out lots of damage, so usually what happens is that the runner gets to the point where they are unable to run servers without dying due to all the discard and damage. Then they can't steal Obokata Protocol and I can score it naked. I don't try this if they have film critic, and just go for making runs very unappealing using [Ancestral Imager] (/en/card/08112), Breached Dome, and the ability to keep sending them to archives.

15 Oct 2017 Soulcow

Well, either employee strike or film critic is gonna give you a hard time, caldera and feedback filter are a pita prolly and pretty common aswell. How are you playing against these? I'm just curious because I wanted an excuse to play Georgia for a while :p But with your id ability you're only gonna stop them once a turn, for as long as you have ICE/they don't have emp strike :/ for max 3 meat dmg (+3 trashes of course) if you have all breached domes in the bin, or 2 dmg if they jack out.

15 Oct 2017 clockworkmonk

@Soulcow They both do, and so does security testing. Thinking I should include a current to answer employee strike.

I generally recur the snares and use them in bluffing. And that damage adds up fast.

Crick and team sponsorship work pretty well for recurring ice enough to keep trashing it.

Admittedly this was first built with friends in high places in mind.