I know where you live

Jak_the_flipper 2

So, basically, this is supposed to be hell for the tag-me runner, and push enough tags that even decks with good clearance struggle not to be buried under enough oblongs of cardboard to bring your ICE suite to life.

Some synergies:

Score a Net Quarantine and Midseasons becomes totally nuts. Even rich runners will struggle to not come away with enough tags to make Psycho/BOOM work. Worst case, they pay you a bundle, and lose a lot of money ;)

Broadcast and Witness Tampering are here to keep the bad pub in check, but Shoot The Moon could bring Muckraker and Shinobi online without them if you're in a pinch. Otherwise, who can argue with a Tollbooth, Data Ward or Thoth (or all the above) for the low, low price of nada?

Damage is mainly here to open a scoring window. Thoth and Shinobi can both threaten kills if your runner gets sloppy, but it's more realistic to expect to chip away some damage shielding or half a hand. They don't know you're not running Scorched, so even a single tag makes hitting one of these a mini crisis for them. Let them waste their time/creds drawing up and clearing that last tag.

Reality over PAD for the insane trash cost. In past experience, these tend to stay on the table a while. Plus a click-free NASX trigger can be very nice indeed.

Not sure slots:

Early Premiere ought to be great for getting Quarantine scored from installed (masquerading as an upgrade, perhaps), and might push Beale over the top. But is it the best for the card slot?

Archangel. Never got this to work to my satisfaction in other decks, but trying again. Should it be another Raven?

Wraparound. AI hate is lovely, but Vanilla might be easier to live with.

Akitaro. I like a discount, but still not convinced this slot couldn't be used better.

24 Mar 2017 CactusJack

@Jak_the_flipperSince you're willing to take bad publicity, I would recommend Sacrifice as a replacement for Akitaro Watanabe, however, you don't have any agendas worth sacrificing. Peak Efficiency could be good if most of your ICE is rezzed during your games. Watchdog discounts the first ICE rezzed. Mumba Temple would be good, but you don't have the influence to spare. In the end, I think Akitaro Watanabe is a decent choice for the role it's fulfilling in your deck.

24 Mar 2017 Jak_the_flipper

Watchdog is a good shout, but I don't have it yet. Oh for the heady days where Mumba Temple would've been an option...