Advance like there is no tomorrow v1.2

PsymonTheWizard 268

The basic idea is simple, use Mushin No Shin to advance cards that may or may not kill the runner outright, then use Trick of Light to throw down and score an agenda. Reclamation Order is there in order to cycle Trick of Light and/or Mushin No Shin. While the Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within doesn't need a card that can be advanced in order to put advancement tokens on them, it is nice to use advance able ice.

  • I reworked the agendas and I increased my ice a little bit. Also I reduced reclamation order to 2 because 3 was a little bit of an overkill. I still can't decide if I prefer Medical Research or Celebrity gift. I also think that I might change pup to Rainbow.

As always, I'd appreciate any feedback