Max Tracer V2

thunderfist 31

I think this deck is actually pretty dang good now. Got rid of some of the more useless agendas and replaced them with beale/food to lower the agenda density. Still going for a never advance strategy overall, but if my remote is scary enough I might try to win with Food. All the ice is tracer now and thus benefits from the id and Improved Tracers (MVA for sure). Tuned it up for the anarch meta with elizabeth mills and cyberdex.

Notable Choices: Melange - Currently am really loving melange behind a couple pieces of ice, makes me rich and my turns super simple. Tech Startup - Can be used to search for melange or elizabeth Turnpike - Tollboths younger sentry tracer brother.

Notable Unchoices: Caduceus - Tried it, liked it, but in the end I needed the influence for other things. NBN has so many good sentry tracer ice anyway. Hedge Fund - I'm banking pretty hard on my N.A. strategy, so I like my only operation economy is Sweeps.

Future Choices: Ash - I can't believe I didn't think about him earlier, need to make room and test him out.

Try this guy out, let me know what you think