Max Tracer

thunderfist 31

This deck is a lot of fun to play, but there is definitely room for improvement. Suggestions on how to use the rest of the influence would be appreciated. Note that I am only using 1 core set.

The scoring strategy for this deck is mostly Never Advance.

The ice is almost all tracer, so you should be able to use the identity when they run.

Unique Card Choices:

Improved Tracers - Improves almost all your ice

TGTBT - We like it when the runner is tagged

Quantum Predictive Model - Super Combo with Data Raven, I just put one in front of HQ and hold on to them.

Eve/Launch Campaign - Goes well with Never Advance, they don't know if its an agenda

Keegan Lane - Combo with Data Raven, use to get rid of their sentry breaker (more sentry ice than anything else) or AI

Surveillance Sweep - All your traces are now that much more stressful for the runner

Data Raven - Ensures Keegan/QPM/Tag Punishment

Resistor - The only tracer barrier, and tags + Improved Tracers make it pretty strong some games

Viper - Is really good in this deck

9 Dec 2015 Phoenix

Melange is also a good never advance card and saves you 9 influence on Eve!

Why 16 agendas? Yes you can never advance most of them, but with no Snare/Psychic Field/Shock/only 1 News Team/Shi Ku in the deck, what's to stop the runner checking everything?

If you really like tracer ice, look at Caduceus.

10 Dec 2015 thunderfist

I was actually trying to use up influence when I put in Eve, I still have some unused influence to figure out. I think that would be a good change, I'll try to figure out how to lower my agenda density. Caduceus definitely has a home here, good call!

10 Dec 2015 Phoenix

I think I'd be tempted to drop the Never Advance idea (I think that works better in Haarpsichord) and go with 3 Global Food, 3 Astroscript, 3 Improved Tracers, 1 Beale. I'd probably use the remaining influence on something like 2 Ash, 2 Caduceus, 2 Viper, 2 Crisium Grid. Just my 2c and feel free to completely ignore me. Making News glacier is definitely one of my favourite decks though :)