Blood Simple--Stimhack's Last Chance Qualifier 1st Place

falseidol 436

This is the runner deck I piloted this weekend in Stimhacks Last Chance Qualifier, and is an evolution of the deck I've been playing for a while (initial credit for this skeleton goes to Cerberus for his Leela Patel article--I had been playing a very different style of deck with Leela Patel before moving more towards something more resembling his build).

I think Leela Patel, in whatever form your deck takes (logos/desperado/doppleganger) the core strategy falls into one of two categories, remote pressure with central punishment, or central pressure with remote punishment. In the former, you want to aggressively try to claw into the scoring remote (or turn of SanSans) and use the windows the corp provides to make a play for HQ or R&D, while the latter wants to aggressively search for agendas in centrals, thus keeping any scoring server destabilized. In previous builds, I found myself usually locked into one strategy during deck construction, but was pleasantly surprised how well I was able to make that adaptation on the fly against different archetypes this weekend.

A little bit of dead weight in the form of redundancy I didn't "need", but all things being equal, its very hard to know which cards are going to be rock stars and which are going to evade you all tournament (I don't think I saw a single emergency shutdown all day).


Bank Job

I like having a very diverse spread of econ cards, as it means that no one deck totally shuts off my economy. However, I felt myself really struggling to keep up with NEH, taking one loss to Astrobiotics and barely being able to eek out a win over NEARPAD (or a similar derivation). I'm not sure if I'd want a 3rd Security Testing, but I never had a problem playing bank job and I will probably cut some other econ for at least 1 more BJ (heh).


I've seen a shift recently in runner decks going down to 1 or 2 legworks, and especially in Leela where the corporation is unlikely to destabilize HQ with a bunch of agendas in hand, 2 felt like the right call. And I have noticed that I have whiffed with legworks more than I used to, and that may be a trend towards certain playstyle/decktypes on the corp side, I'm not really sure.

Still, I tend to play my Legworks more aggressively than reactively, and try to catch them setting up a remote or before they can reset their hands. Legwork is also better for trying to stop a score than Sneakdoor, since its less click intensive if you have to run the remote as well. I will probably go back to 3 copies to better suit my playstyle, but I have no idea what I would cut.

Daily Casts

were a bit of a let down since I moved from Mr. Li to Earthrise Hotel (though I still prefer them to Dirty Laundry). I think there is a stronger economy option for this slot.

Special Order

I sit on my special orders too long, and as such, I think 3 is probably the wrong number. On the other hand, you really want that first one early, so its a tough call. All told, I think the compromise is aggressively finding faeries with them if there isn't an obvious breaker to fetch, rather than sitting on them all game.

Plascrete Carapace.

Saved my bacon one game, but I still saw them a lot. Such is the perpetual struggle of Plascrete Carapace, I want to take them out...I just don't think I will. I guess swapping Lucky Find for a Bank Job frees up the influence for an I've Had Worrse? That might merit testing w/ 1x plascrete 1x IHW.


I'm not "mad", but it certainly wasn't used to break enough to not just be a Cerberus Rex and spare me a couple of influence. I thought about going Gordian Blade (by downgrading lucky find into a day job), but I'm glad I didn't, because I just wasn't breaking code gates over remotes enough to justify the influence I don't think.

6 Apr 2015 Cerberus

Congratulations on the win, really pleased to see Leela continue to get the spotlight. Thanks for the mention :)

6 Apr 2015 falseidol

Thanks. And you're welcome. And thanks for the article.

7 Apr 2015 umby

(by downgrading lucky find into a day job)

Do you mean Easy Mark? Either way, how did you like Earthrise Hotel over Mr. Li? I'm curious what you see as the benefit in a deck like this.

Congrats, by the way!

7 Apr 2015 falseidol

@umby I would only need to free up one influnece (lucky find => day job, which click for click is worse than lucky find, especially if there's a server whose security needs testing) in order to upgrade Zu.13 into a Gordian Blade.

As to Earthrise vs. Mr. Li, it really comes down to making plays. Where Leela excels more than any other runner, is that periods of prolonged pressure can really start to snowball against the corporation's favor, and I try to play enough economy that Earthrise Hotel buys me 3 turns of pressure pretty reliably. And if you can piggy back out another Earthrise Hotel, its just so much tempo for aggression that the corporation usually crumbles.

Mr. Li, I used to play, but I've moved away from as many redundant copies of cards I'm only looking for one-of, and so while he's a useful filtration tool, which is stunted by having less in my deck that needs filtering. But ultimately, they serve slightly different roles, Mr. Li is lite search, helping you get to specific cards much quicker, while Earthrise Hotel is raw tempo.

What I'll say against Earthrise Hotel is that it can overheat, you don't draw enough econ, you're forced to ditch a ton of pieces, and then you're left with your thumb up your butt until you can fix your grip. If you don't have the economy to support 3x Earthrise Hotel, two is still a completely valid option.

My updated list is playing a little bit more draw, to help kickstart my engine back up if the Earthrise Train runs out of steam.

7 Apr 2015 umby

@falseidol Thanks for the explanation. I would be worried about overdrawing with Earthrise Hotel, but I suppose it's the sort of thing you can control with careful play.

As for the Day Job thing, I forgot it's only one influence - oops!

7 Apr 2015 falseidol

@umby Yeah, I tend to hold on to them until I've got security testing online or at least 5 credits left in hand to play stuff with. NRDB shows you your credit curve for your deck, so you can see about how many credits you'll need to be able to keep up with Earthrise Hotel. You also tend to have/draw at least a couple of cards as discard fodder.