NBN MN: Tagging/ PsycoBeale Astrotrain hybrid

ChrisTheEnby 63

This is the NBN deck I'm playing right now. Basically the usual NBN goal of setting up a AstroScript Pilot Program train and point up hard with Project Beale combined with things like Psychographics. However I included some more ways to utilize Data Raven and Midseason Replacements tags, like Closed Accounts and some surprise Scorched Earth to try and threaten the runner if they float tags.

Deck runs a bit light on the ice. I used to run way more, but It made my deck like 52/54 cards.

11 May 2016 lightburied

The base here is strong, but I just have a question: Do you need marked accounts? With how much burst you have, is this necessary? If it is, why not go with pad campaign instead? Easier to trash, but also more permanent.

Like I said, though, this looks good. How's it been testing?

11 May 2016 ChrisTheEnby

@lightburied Originally the Marked Accounts were instead 2X Restructure but I felt like 1 Melange was not enough econ assets, and Restructure probably is too unweildly for NBN. PAD Campaign is probably the right call, yeah.

I haven't had a chance to really play it versus tough Runner decks, but it seems to do okay, the tough match ups seem to be most Criminal runners, since they can punish me hard for being ice light.

11 May 2016 mawa

Lily Lockwell sounds like it'd be good here.