Anarch. Hate.

rojazu 1339

Because. Fuck Faust.

10 Feb 2016 rwknoll

I like the idea of using Museum of History in NEH, because the draw ability and asset spam help counteract the larger deck size. Totally digging the Anarch hate cards, because even though they're especially geared towards Anarch, I think they'll do well against most runners.

Two general questions:

1) Why so few ice? Special Offer doesn't really count. I think especially in a 54-card deck, you'd want to stick closer to the 15 ice just for consistency sake. The issue I see is that despite the Anarch hate, Siphon MaxX is still going to eat up your credits before you can ice up HQ and R&D. Alternatively, I would just consider cutting Mumba Temple. I don't know how well it works in this deck. I'd rather just turn that into 3 cheap-costing ice.

2) I'm wondering if Caprice Nisei would be better for Anarch hate than Hostile Infrastructure. Periodic net damage is ok, but wouldn't you rather make them burn through all those cards and then end the run? With Mimic out, Swordsman becomes pretty blank, too. Especially with Museum out, I'd suggest -2 Swordsman, -3 Hostile, +2 Caprice. You could add in more ETR ice or Fast Track that way.

10 Feb 2016 tiedyedvortex

I actually really like this build. It's not just Anarch hate (although Faust gets hit the hardest); almost every runner is using at least one AI breaker like Eater or Atman or Knight. Using Wraparounds, Swordsman, and gigantic code gates basically forces them to build a full standard rig. And they just can't do that fast enough.

I would probably tweak the agenda spread slightly; with an ice-light deck, Global Food Initiative is going to be hard to actually score, and 3x Chronos is really redundant. I would probably take -1 Chronos, -3 GFI, and put in +1 Beale, +3 NAPD contract, and +1 Explode-a-Palooza.

To balance that, I might also drop to 2x SanSan City Grid. They're well protected with a Hostile Infrastructure or two out, and the Museum/Jackson recycles them pretty efficiently.

16 Feb 2016 PureFlight

I'm mostly in agreement with @rwknoll and @tiedyevortex, but with a couple added points.

Finding a way to lose a Chronos seems shrewd. Maybe -1 GFI, -1 Chronos, +2 NAPD/Explode

-1 SSCG for sure. I would -1 CVS as well.

I actually really like 3x Mumba and 3x Hostile. The HI huuuurts Faust despite being fueled by Wyldside, and HI is any card, not just installs, so Imp-hate is cool. Mumba is kind of like another drip econ card when you go this horizontal, so that's fine too.

DBS in an NEH with Museum of History seems super...i don't know, endless. In a good way. How does it go? Still finding the tools you want fast enough?