MaxXimum nap time

InanimateLog 448

So, I think we can all agree that Faust is a good card. But why is it good? Let's look at the flavour text:

The server was quiet that night. I closed my eyes, the low-hum of the datastream lulling me into a trance...

Obviously, this means the best way to win is falling asleep as much as physically possible. Here's how to become unbeatable in seven easy steps:

  1. Start playing Netrunner. Put on the MaxXimum punk lullaby of your choice.
  2. Discover that sucking stuff into black holes and peering through keyholes is exhausting.
  3. Have a nap instead.
  4. For good measure, have another nap.
  5. Because the nap you just had was so good, have a Same Old Nap.
  6. Your Same Old Nap has brought back memories of that very first nap.
  7. Somehow, in your sleep, you have ended up with 59 credits.

That's a lot of credits. And I heard having a lot of credits helps you win.

17 Nov 2016 deliveryman

I built a deck last night kinda like this, more like the green deck I built a few months ago. I think the best way toget power nap up is over drawing and /or discarding. Why nut frantic coding and making and entrance? I get why faust, but why faust? I mean faust is good because you do not need money, but power nap can get you a crap ton of money....I just think if you are going to get alot of money, why do you need faust?