The Blood Burglar 2.0

CodeMarvelous 20021

7 Jul 2015 Shulmey

This is incredibly similar to what I've got running with Geist right now. How do you deal with Astrobiotics? Every time I play against that, I feel like I'm just sitting there looking at 5 assets and multiple san san city grids that get rezzed whenever I try to siphon. The card draw potential of this deck is crazy, and I love it, but I just can't seem to keep up economically with NEH.

7 Jul 2015 Quinns

I want to experiment with Geist and this looks like a great start. Thinking about replacing 1x Symmetrical Visage with 1x Security Testing. Radical, I know!

7 Jul 2015 Shulmey

I can't speak for Code's experience, but after about 10 games with a VERY similar deck, I'm thinking of dropping Data Folding, which lets me swap Dyson for dare I say it, the cheaper Access to Globalsec. I'm thinking either Sec Test or Kati Jones in their place. Feel free to disagree after some testing, but I wouldn't cut the Symmetrical Visages.