It's a bit elaborate for a toothpick

kage02 490

You can put in Imp or Decoy depending on your environment.... I whack these in interchangeably depending on the day. If you want two Decoy then drop one Scavange and one R&D Interface. If you just want one Imp drop one of the above

2 Feb 2014 ODie

This is the Runner deck that just won our local League.

Especially brutal when you work out that you need to defend against this, go three deep and Kit has drawn into the Tinkering that obliterates your whole server.

Drops Yog.0.early and Scavenges into Dinosaurus, as and when required.

2 Feb 2014 variable7601

This is really fun and similar to a deck I have. I run it with +2 Dyson Mem Chips over the Akamatsu, have you tried that? I find a little link sometimes helps. I might up my # of Prof Contacts, I'm finding it really hard to let go of the 2 Parasites though, they are good for dragging down ice into "the zone."

2 Feb 2014 kage02

Yeah I did look at Dyson over Akamatsu... the major factor was the cost. I find the deck runs very slim on the creds and the extra 2 in the kitty for trashing can be really helpful. However in an environment where link was super important that the Dyson would definitely be in!

2 Feb 2014 ODie

Having played against this one a lot, I think that Kati Jones is probably more important for the economy than the Pro Contacts; especially early on the PC is a big hit that - while helping dig for the all important Yog.0 - takes far longer to recover from than, say Magnum Opus.

A slight variation that runs even tighter for MU lacks the mem chips and runs Escher to reconfigure the Corp's remote (or R&D) to stack all the code gates together. When you think you have a secure server that can't be Tinkered with, that can be a game breaking effect.

2 Feb 2014 variable7601

Escher would be sick, I've debated it. I might -2 my Clone Chips, I have a tendency to always pair them with an Atman in the heap, and "summon" the one I need at the right level (mid run), but I like I Escher idea, I'll try to sample it. Thanks for the inspiration.

2 Feb 2014 variable7601

Also ODie, what did you mean earlier when you said "Scavenges into Dinosaurus?" They Scavenge Yog0 for 5c, but you can't scavenge for hardware, right? Sorry if I am daft here, thanks.

2 Feb 2014 lopert

@variable7601 He means he can play the Yog.0 as soon as he gets it. Then when the dinosaurus comes along he plays it. Then, he can use scavenge to move the Yog.0 to the dino.

3 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

This is a really solid build, I'd just do two tweaks:

  • drop the Femme and the third Atman for two Parasites (since you're not using all your influence currently)
    • The logic behind this change is that since you're lacking the tools to install Femme mid-run anyway, you might as well Parasite the ICE you'd be bypassing with it. It's cheaper, more flexible (especially since you can Test Run and Scavenge the Parasites) and a more permanent solution. Since you now pack ICE destruction, you probably won't need 3 Atmen and can go down to 2
  • Change the Memory Chips into Eschers
    • This change is enabled by the previous one - since you now have more "transient" stuff and fewer permanent rig components, you can drop the chips for the possibly most broken green card ever (which becomes even more insane with Kit, in particular)

I'll play around with such a setup, but from my past experiences with Kit, it'll be even harder to counter-play/shut down.

3 Feb 2014 PeekaySK


If you want two Decoy then drop one Scavange and one R&D Interface.

Not to rain on your parade, but 7 + 4 > 10 :P

3 Feb 2014 kage02

Lol... yep. I've been toying about with the Decoys without actually running them.... and ^this would be why

3 Feb 2014 kage02

I did have 2 x Escher in the deck for ages... but tbh they just don't suit my playstyle. I took them out because 98% of the time they were being wasted so better to put a card in I'll actually use.

30 May 2014 spiralshadow

Possible to replace Plascrete with Self-modifying Code?

30 May 2014 kage02

In our local environment there's a lot of Scorched Earth hanging around waiting for someone without plascrete... if you don't have that then drop the plascrete for something more useful for sure!! I did originally consider dumping it... until I got Scorched to death in a friendly game... ever after I whacked it into play as soon as it hit my hand!!

2 May 2015 aero

Symmetrical Visage now over ProCon or no?

2 May 2015 kage02

Tbh I haven't tried it, but my gut feel is yes. The reason why I say that is because ProCo is such a tempo hit IF you get it wrong. SV could be whacked in T1 (should you draw into it in your opening hand) without any hit to speed in that turn.

Think I may have to revise this deck for another season out in our league world