Trash Some of the Ice! v1.1

Ajar 1624

Minor tweaks around the edges from v1.0. I was always poor with Cyberfeeder/Daily Casts, so I switched to a click intensive Armitage/Liberated economy. I may switch Armitage back out for Daily Casts while keeping Liberated. It's noticeably slower, but a rig of SMC/Datasucker/Bishop is pretty threatening when you have a lot of money, especially with Clone Chip backup.

The main reason I've stuck to Noise on the Runner side is the emergence of Power Shutdown / Accelerated Diagnostics decks. Since all of my influence is tutoring/recursion, I can install a virus during the Corp's combo and mill one of the three cards they recur with Jackson to break their Accelerated Diagnostics plan. No other Runner can interact with this combo during the Corp's turn.

15 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

program suite looks good, but I feel like bishop is out of place, I get it's synergy with the fixed breakers though, so if it works great. If you want a strong change later, try keyhole there. I think everything else is pretty good.

15 Jan 2014 Ajar

Yeah, a lot of Corp players were surprised to see Bishop, but it's great with both the fixed breakers and with surprise Parasites on large, nasty ice. I love Keyhole, though, and will definitely be testing it.